The DWP quite openly state on their PIP (Personal Independent Paymemt) telephone helpline that it may take 26 weeks to deal with a claim.
26 weeks? 26 WEEKS???? That is 6 months!! Half a year!!

This is NOT just new claims but also those transferring from DLA to PIP.

This is outrageous and totally UNACCEPTABLE.

For once in my life I am totally lost for words. Gobsmacked.

This government cannot be serious. Why 6 months? Have they run out of the Private Detectives who spy on claimants or something? What is it … a case of … Die first and save the country money or give up waiting and save the country money by not claiming? Don’t worry Cameron – the agents on the helpline are terse and unfriendly, so no doubt your training on “How to be a miserable and nearely-rude telephone call handler” has worked and cut claims by at least 50% anyway.

So, for all genuine claimants who have possibly been diagnosed with a serious illness or have had a serious accident, I really don’t know what you are supposed to live on for 6 months. All I can say is God Help You.

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