More Energy Price Rises To Come

I don’t know about anyone else but I am so fed up (and quite frankly worried)with the news from OFGEM that energy prices might have to rise again. The fact that OFGEM have warned us of this will, in my opinion, just give the energy companies a free rein to hike...

The Fuel Poverty Death Rate

Nearly 8000 people die in the winter because they cannot afford to heat their homes. 65  a day. These are the World Health Organisation’s guidance and official excess winter death figures. The previous governments estimate put the total of deaths relating to...

Heating or Eating

Everybody is struggling to pay their energy bill, but I heard today that 2 million disabled people fear they cannot afford to heat their homes this winter. I am one of them.I will be choosing to heat rather than eat. Whether able-bodied or disabled – what would...
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