I’m just a poor householder who is, like many others, struggling to cope with the continuing rice of gas and electricity.
The “Big Six” energy suppliers and OFGEM were hauled up to face questions by MP’s this week.
I can honestly say that, I wasn’t glued to the TV watching it – no point – the cost of my household energy bills would be rising regardless what was said.

However, like many other people, I did notice one glaring anomaly.

OFGEM said their calculations showed a 1.7% rise in the cost of wholesale energy. Amazingly, the “Big Six” agreed it was nearer or just less than 5%. Yes. Whatever.

BUT if it is 5%, why do the big six feel the need to rise the price to the general consumer to an average of 9.1%? WHY? Show me exactly (and tangible evidence) what you are investing in. And in MY area. I can’t see any physical evidence of investment.

Oh and another thing, I am not a homeowner but why the blinkin’ heck should I have to pay extra on my bills to cover the cost of the Green Energy thing and why do I have to pay extra to help homeowners insulate their homes or have a new boiler? Why? Nobody asked me if I wanted to contribute – so why the heck should I?

Rant over.

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