When I first wondered if anyone I know had ever received a food parcel as a donation, I suddenly realised I had. Not just once either but twice!

The first one was about 18 years ago. I think I saw a sign say that anyone on Income Support (or whatever the benefit was called then) could go and get some free food products. I know I pushed the baby down to wherever it was, presented my benefit book and was given, cheese, eggs, butter, rice and some tinned stuff. I still remember the surprise I felt that I had been given cheese, eggs and butter. I don’t think you get these from food banks now.

My second food donation was a few days before Christmas 2009. I actually found a box on my doorstep. It contained breakfast cereal, pasta, tinned food, sugar and tea. On the underside of the box was a label with the name and address of a church about 3 miles away. I don’t go to church anymore. It was days before the penny finally dropped. I had been to see my doctor. I was very low. As I left, she said something that I thought quite odd. She said “I’ll pray for you at church”. When I saw her again after Christmas I thanked her for it. She said that her work as a Doctor enabled her to identify people who she felt might benefit from a gift. Her work in her church enabled her to put it into practice. I felt very humbled.

So have you received a parcel or hamper from a food bank or another source?

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