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DWP Sanctions

Please ensure that if you visit a food bank and have been sanctioned (for whatever reason) that you appeal against the decision. If you don't know how, please go to the CAB or Shelter. This is a message from a member of the Facebook page which can be found HERE.

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The Hidden Homeless in the UK

There are no accurate statistics on homelessness. Seems slightly odd to me that most things can be counted but not the amount of people who are homeless. I realise it is difficult to count the number of people sleeping rough and those who are "sofa-surfing" but local...

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Supermarkets and Food Wastage

Tesco have said that in the first half of 2013, they threw away just under 30,000 tonnes of fresh food. 1/4 of Grapes are thrown away. 40% of Apples are thrown away. 2/3 of pre-packed Salad goods are thrown away. Families are also guilty of wasting food. It is said...

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Inspiring Quotes on Finance & Accounting

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