Christmas Lights

We are all trying to save money on our fuel bills in any way we can. I never leave any plugs switched on any more – nothing is left on standby and I try very hard to turn off lights when I leave the room etc. There is one thing I have noticed though in this run...

The Fuel Poverty Death Rate

Nearly 8000 people die in the winter because they cannot afford to heat their homes. 65  a day. These are the World Health Organisation’s guidance and official excess winter death figures. The previous governments estimate put the total of deaths relating to...
Have you received a food parcel?

Have you received a food parcel?

When I first wondered if anyone I know had ever received a food parcel as a donation, I suddenly realised I had. Not just once either but twice! The first one was about 18 years ago. I think I saw a sign say that anyone on Income Support (or whatever the benefit was...
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