High Street Money Lenders

Are these payday lenders a good thing or not? I suppose they are better than private loansharks who will happily threaten or beat people up for defaulting on a loan but I do question the ethics of some of them. It seem as as long as you can prove you are on benefits...

Bulk-Buying Energy – Councils Leading The Way

Some councils are now trying to help residents by bulk-buying energy. South Lakeland Council and Birmingham City Council are just a couple who are now helping local communities and residents benefit from bidding for cheaper fuel the same way that businesses do....

Cameron finally visits foodbanks

Well the PM finally got around to visiting two foodbanks last week. He didn’t bother to meet any of the public or are being forced to use the service – but that was to be expected really (he would probably have been lynched). 13 million people in the UK...
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